Discover Champagne

The Champagne region is invariably much more than its booze and vineyards. Of course you can taste here but the region is home to beautiful landscapes and exceptional heritage.

A divers heritage

Land of churches, castles, lavoirs, … The castles ‘châteaux’ Etoges, Condé-en-Brie, Château-Thierry, Nesles-le-Repons, Fère-en-Tardénois, Boursault, Dormans. The cathedrals and churches The Romanesque churches are numerous, the cathedrals of Reims and Châlons-en-Champagne are extra-ordinary, the churches of Orbais-l’Abbaye and Mont-Saint-Père are as beautiful as the church of Leuvrigny. The markethalls and ‘lavoirs’ Vallées en Champagne has […]

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The scenery is superb

Champagne is just a view of the landscape Our region is full of vineyards. It is clear and very prominent. The valleys of the Marne, the Dhuys, the Surmelin, … offer you landscapes of vineyards and fields, meadows and forests. It is the variation that makes the surprise. The western valley of the Marne The

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Remember the great war

The Great War was decided in Champagne The Marne and the town of Château-Thierry were very important places at the end of the First World War. The region is therefore full of monuments, memorials, cemeteries… Memorial Hill 204Château-Thierry This gigantic monument placed on the heights of the city gives you a splendid sight on all

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Motorbiking in the Champagne

For a weekend on a motorbike in Champagne, we have the perfect location and accommodation ! The region Our B&B is on one of the six Routes touristiques de la Champagne, those of the Marne Valley. If you want to go in the direction of Reims, Epernay or Troyes, we are centrally located. By the

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The champagne

Champagne in its region The geographical area of the Champagne appellation is spread over five departments (Aisne, Aube, Haute-Marne, Marne, Seine-et-Marne) and three administrative regions (Grand-Est, Hauts-de-France, Ile-de-France)34,300 hectares in 319 villages, with 15,800 winegrowers (who own 90% of the surface area), including 1,860 manipulants (those who make everything themselves from the grape to the

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The vineyards by season

Spring The first mild weather in March gradually awakens the vines. It is the beginning of a new vegetative cycle. The sap rises in the branches and flows through the scars left by pruning. The vine is said to be “weeping“. The buds generally appear at the end of March and beginning of April. This

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La route touristique de la Champagne The 6 itineraries in the Marne let you discover the Champagne region and its wine. The beauty of the hillsides, the richness of the heritage, the hospitality of the winegrowers have created a geography of happiness. All you have to do is take the Champagne Tourist Route. Fully signposted,

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Hiking or walking trails

We would like to propose you some hikes that we liked. Because you stay with us, we start from Baulne-en-Brie, a village in the commune Vallées en Champagne. 5 km away is the village of Condé-en-Brie, its castle and much more. Our favourite part of the Marne valley is the western part. We offer you

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