Our address
Le Surmelin (Ombres) is located in the village of Baulne-en-Brie, one out of 3 villages of Vallées en Champagne.
The adresse is 1, route du Breuil 02330 Vallées en Champagne.
On an older GPS or on GOOGLE maps use the old adress: 1, route de Condé, 02330 Baulne-en-Brie.
GPS coordinates
Google Maps Plus Code: XJP6+HP Vallées en Champagne
GPS coordinates: 48.986343, 3.611943
Coming from REIMS, take the autoroute A4 to Paris and take the sortie 21 DORMANS in direction of Dormans.
Coming from Paris, follow the A4 en direction of Reims and take the sortie 19 Marigny-en-Orxois or the exit 20 Château-Thierry, and continue towards Château-Thierry.
290 km from Brussels
120 km from Paris | 30 km from Epernay | 50 km from Reims | 20 km from Château-Thierry
170 km from Chablis | 290 km from Beaune | 220 km from Lille | 330 km from Calais